* While no direct feeding is required if you have good lighting and fish that are being fed, corals grow and look much better when they’re being fed regularly. If you want something that won’t “take over your tank”, this one will be it! If it gets too high, it will probably turn brown and eventually die. Expert – Time to break out the phosphate test if it gets too low, this one might throw off all of its skin.While they will still be resistant to mild swings, a bit more care should be taken to make sure your tank is remaining somewhat stable. Moderate – You should probably be well aware what your current calcium and alkalinity levels are to choose this level.Just don’t shock them too hard, and they should do well. Easy – While not bulletproof, it’s close! This one won’t mind terribly if your water parameters are a bit off, or if nitrates are a bit high (less than 50).These corals can live through almost anything you can throw at them, and in many cases already have! Bulletproof – To be deemed “bulletproof” at TRF, we have to know that even the newest of newbies couldn’t mess this one up! Therefore, it cannot be a hard coral, (sadly, as some of our hard corals have earned this title) and it must have already been an easy to keep species to begin with.When they really get going, the adults can span almost two inches across! Care Levels * Although they are slower growing than other genus of mushrooms, they’re quick to make up for it with amazing coloration.